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“Anything You Can Imagine,You Can Create.”


I’m so happy you stopped by. Womanhood & Motherhood, for me, has been a journey worthy enough to share and powerful enough to inspire. This journey is what gave birth to Natalie Inspires You!

My life experiences, especially having moved three countries in 5 years, helped me step out of that cuddly, comfy, cozy, convenient Lil’ world of mine.

I stand here today, encouraging women through my own life experiences to be courageous and follow their passions, to inspire and seek to inspire and to build community.

Now that you’ve stopped by, grab your cup of coffee, sit back relax, read a few blogs, and watch a few interviews. I pray Natalie Inspires you!


“I Am A Woman of Worth.”

Natalie Inspires You

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READ THE blog.

BUY THE book.