Homeschooling is a lifestyle.

One of the biggest challenges us mums in lockdown are currently facing is getting our children to adapt to the new style of learning aka,‘Virtual Schooling’. There is a sudden change in environment, no classmates, minimal interaction with teachers… no detention. ‘Are they really learning much?’ is the latest gossip doing the rounds these days! It is in the midst of this chaos, one would wonder…How do moms, or rather parents, homeschool their children on a regular basis ?

I was happy to interview my best friend, Lizelle, who shares some very valuable & practical information on homeschooling.

Lizelle D'costa, New Zealand, is a passionate mother. She is patient and surrounded by an aura of positivity. Her ability to add value and meaning to the simplest situations is what makes Liz a precious wife to her husband, Leroy, the best mommie her 3 lovely kids could have and a valuable friend to many, including me.

Today, Liz is happy to share her journey as a mom who has been homeschooling her kids for the past 10 years and loves every bit of it. (Many of you may be saying right now, ‘really ?’ I’ve been saying the same to Liz for the past 10 years. Really Liz, how do you manage to homeschool? ). She also shares some valuable advice for us mums that will help us to homeschool our kids more effectively while on lockdown.

Read on to know more...

What tips do you have for us moms who are currently homeschooling while on lockdown? and, if I may add, tearing our hair out on some days!

Choose to enjoy this time with your kids. Treat it as time gifted to you. Kids pick up the tone set at home so choose to stay positive, and if your kids are older, sit them down and discuss on how best they could deal with the feelings of chaos or even fear whilst in lockdown. 

Being stuck indoors can be pretty hard with younger kids, try and introduce learning through creativity- read good books, play boardgames, Lego, play dough, puzzles etc. Through all those things they will learn; introduce focussed book work in smaller doses rather than hours of it, I’ve found this to be very effective.

My kids are older so, during lockdown, we made a plan because I didn't want to hear the dreaded words ‘I'm bored.’

  1. Morning - Focus time (School work)

  2. Afternoon - Free time (Read/ cycle/exercise/music practice/technology time)

  3. Evening - Family time (Boardgames/TV time/Indoor Fun activity)

Mommies, it is very important to prioritise yourselves too; do one thing that you enjoy daily. As for me, it’s been a daily zoom chat and cuppa with some lovely women.

If it’s a hard day filled with moods and attitudes, do something out of the ordinary. When my children were younger, on our hard days, I would stop school, put on music and dance. My kids were embarrassed with my old fashion moves but it would make them laugh and within minutes the horrible cycle of frustration was broken and joy was restored!

How did you decide to homeschool your 3 lovely children?

Homeschooling is a choice, like any other, we have to make in life. I felt the nudge to check it out and after reading about it and meeting other homeschoolers, my husband and I decided to embark on this journey. 10 years in and I’m still doing it with no regrets.

With a rich experience, of 10 years of homeschooling, can you highlight a few benefits that come with homeschooling?

I look at homeschooling as one of the best gifts given to me.

To be able to have abundant time with my kids, impart strong values and beliefs and watch them learn, grow, fail, get up and press on….is priceless. It’s something that is unexplainable. The community that I live in has a lot of homeschoolers, my kids therefore have strong, deep friendships with other homeschooling kids and us with their parents. Homeschooling works better when you do it surrounded by a strong community rather than in isolation. We enjoy being a part of our homeschooling community.

For me, a huge benefit is giving each of my children the opportunity to express freely who they are and pursue the dream within them, along with the freedom to excel in a stress and comparison free environment. 

Have you faced any challenges while homeschooling your children?

Homeschooling is wonderful but it’s not easy. You have your kids with you all day, everyday and of course it involves being very disciplined in terms of planning and teaching. Our days are filled with moods and attitudes but also joy, laughter, learning, creativity and loads of opportunities to grow.  

I believe, it is important for kids to have a strong identity and not to be defined by their successes or failures. I think teaching my kids this has been one of my biggest challenges. 

Any final advice on the choice of school or homeschool?

Homeschooling is a lifestyle, and if you feel led to do it, remember it’s a journey not a destination.Enjoy it, persevere and don’t give up.

If you don’t homeschool remember, it is not the only way, it is best to do what works for you and your family.

Run your race, the grass is always greener on the other side, but choose to keep your eyes on your lane and you will enjoy the journey you have been called to travel.


“A happy, healthy and joyful mum means, a happy and joyful home.”- Lizelle

You are definitely a ‘MA’rvellous mum, Liz, to have taken up your calling to homeschool your kids. Most of us mums the world over now, after spending time in lockdown teaching our kids, know how arduous a task it is.

There is no doubt you will reap the benefits of this great sacrifice. Your children are blessed to have you as their mum and may you continue to inspire us moms to be patient, persevere and not give up.

Stay blessed Lizelle.

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You Inspire Me.


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