So it's OK to cry?

Hello and Thank you for connecting with me again!

‘So is it really ok to cry?’ Is a question that runs through the chaos of emotions on those not so tranquil days.

I’d say its absolutely ok to cry.

Cry if you must, cry if it feels like a key opening up that lock; cry if it will pop open that soda! Like the way Paulo Coelho says it “Cry if you need to, it’s good to cry out all your tears, because only then you will be able to smile again".

Its absolutely ok to let down your guard sometimes and cry.

A current trend around the world today is something called a crying club, a safe space where people get together to confront their pain and vent it out in tears. It is beginning to get popular since, contrary to yesterday, crying has now been proven to be positive & healthy.

Crying doesn’t make a person weak, it only makes you stronger.

“A single tear drop can send ripples of release through a troubled ocean of emotions”- Natalie

“A single tear drop can send ripples of release through a troubled ocean of emotions”- Natalie

Here’s an exercise that has helped me release a lot of negative emotions- anger, pain & hurt- something that can be done as often as possible, happy to share it with you..

1) Write down instances that brought about pain in your life, even those that go back to your childhood, memories that you are not happy to talk/ think about, times that make you cry.

2) List down the names of those who have hurt you in the past, those who upset you today and those who stir up negative emotions in you.

3) Recall the negative emotion attached to it/ them.

4) Tear up the paper(s)

5) Burn it up.

6) As you see it burning up, release all the negative emotions attached to the incidents listed down on those papers.

7) Forgive those listed on that paper.

8) Flush down the left over ash…flush it out of your system.

Cry….Forgive…Heal and MOVE ON.

A bonus tip coming in from my hubby for all you women today: Share today’s blog with your hubbies and sons. Its ok for men to cry too !

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Lockdown or Locked In


I'm every woman, it's up to me!