Thank You!

Hello & welcome back, 

It’s been 3 months of successful blogging, 3 months of weekly inspirations being sent out to all of you and for that, I’d like to say Thank- you, Shukriya, Terima Kasih, Xièxiè, Tusen Takk, Gracias! 

Thank you for encouraging me to do more; shukriya to many who read my blogs every Friday; xièxiè to those who take the time to comment on the blogs; terima kasih to all those who send me uplifting messages on how they have been inspired by my work; tusen takk for sharing my updates with your friends & family members; gracias to those who have agreed to receive my weekly updates on WhatsApp. 

You are a blessing to me!

As a token of my appreciation & gratitude, I have put together a little book for you:

Celebrate Yourself. By Women for Women.

  • If you are unable to download a copy, do send me an email @, I’d be happy to send you one.

  • There are 2 versions: one including verses from The Bible. Kindly download the one that suits you best.


Click to download

Celebrate Yourself


Till we connect next week, Thank You once again.

Stay Inspired!



‘MA’rvellous Moms


Inspirations from my living room to yours.