A New Hope Awaits You

 Stay Hopeful! Stay Inspired!

Now that we’re all beginning to step out into the new normal, let’s put on our garment of HOPE. 

Stay hopeful! 

Why this garment? ….you may ask. 

Hope seems to be like a magic potion that can help you get through almost anything; it helps you believe that things will fall into place. Hope is like that warm summer breeze that helps melt the snow. Staying hopeful can remind you of the instances you got through tough times, only to emerge stronger. Hope Heals! Hope helps to lift that burden of fear off your shoulders. 

Stay hopeful! 

In life, uncertainty, pain, anxiety, and stress are unavoidable and often not in our control but it is this same suffering that helps to elevate HOPE.

Stay hopeful! 

The lockdown helped me see the smallest shining star in the dark sky, it awakened a dream in me, passionate enough to chase after. Hope fluttered all around me, like a match in a dark tunnel illuminating it to show me the way through it, and ultimately, into the light. I wore my garment of hope then and that is what kept me going and I still have it on in spirit, that’s what keeps me going now.

Hope is terribly important for you and me especially now; with the help of hope we can believe that we have a better tomorrow. 

Your garment of HOPE is available in your closet only. 

Adorn yourself with it, lest it gets dusty & worn out. 

Adorn yourself with it to keep yourself warm from that chill winter breeze of fear. 

Adorn yourself with it and bring HOPE to another.

Wishing you Hope for the upcoming season in your life. I’m hopeful, hope you Stay Hopeful too. 

Stay Inspired!


“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” —Desmund Tutu.

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There will always be HOPE


My Lockdown Bonus