My Lockdown Bonus

Hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve penned down my thoughts and oh, how I’ve missed it!

Today I’d like to share about 'My Lockdown Bonus’. You’re probably thinking that these words don’t gel, lockdown…and bonus?

Well, read on and I’m sure by the end of this blog, you will have your own lockdown bonus ready to share with all of us.

Come March and the world was hit by the pandemic; fear, despair, confusion, exhaustion and anxiety was all around the place.

How then can ‘a bonus’ come out of a situation like this?, I wondered

The Lockdown helped me see the smallest shining star in the dark sky, it awakened a dream in me, passionate enough to chase after! Hope fluttered all around me, like a match in a dark tunnel illuminating it to show me the way through it, and ultimately, into the light.

Hope is what kept me going, a hope that led to an inspiration; that laid a firm foundation for Natalie Inspires You.  

Come September and boom !!! it hits me so hard that I threw myself down on my knees in thanksgiving to my God. A vision written down 9 years ago finally dropped anchor and was now embedded in the ocean’s bed only to secure firm ground. Surrounded by peace, beauty and serenity. Basking in HIS Abundance.

And this my dear friends is my lockdown bonus: 24 blogs, 10 inspirational interviews and one live show with a celebrity!  

Anchored in Faith, Hope & Love, Natalie Inspires You.

And although it may have seemed so perfect, it wasn’t; my life was the same as many of you. But I’m grateful to have kept my gaze fixed on what I have and learnt to flip a nagging thought, that reminded me of all I didn’t have, to a pleasing thought. It was in every imperfect situation that I chose to find perfection; I used my kitchen boxes to elevate my laptop for my interviews, planned my shows while cooking, wrote out my blogs sometimes at 3 a.m, lest I forget the idea that popped up, as well as planning my schedule while moping. Phew!!

 I could so resonate with the words of Jean Anouilh, “To say yes,” (and I did say Yes to following the prompt of The Holy Spirit ) “ you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves and plunge both hands into life up to the elbows.”

It’s been one thrilling journey these past 8 months, or rather a roller coaster ride, where along the way I felt the need to get off but then again happy to stay on to enjoy the thrill; yearning for it not to stop but to go on and on. 

No regrets for this lockdown bonus, just piles and piles of inspiration going back and forth from me to you.

Well there you go... 

Welcome to Natalie Inspires You: a platform that inspires women to choose Heaven, Health & Happiness.

A platform designed to inspire you! 

I leave you with the words of Nikki Banas…

BRAVE GIRL: ‘Whatever dream or wish you hold in your heart, I hope you go for it, brave girl. I hope you believe in yourself with your entire being - and that in those moments that you might not, I hope you pretend until you do believe again. I hope you never settle when it comes to your dreams- I hope you always chase them with wild lust and fiery passion. I hope you never let the doubters and nonbelievers stop you, and that you let the obstacles strengthen and humble you. Brave girl, I hope you go for your dreams because they are yours to have.”

Join me today as I celebrate my Lockdown Bonus, cheers 🥂 

Now, what’s yours? Please feel free to comment below. I hope to have inspired you and definitely plan to continue to do so, let me be inspired by you! 

Stay Inspired!


A New Hope Awaits You


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