New beginnings

Hello, Namaste, Hei, Nǐ hǎo and Selamat Pagi.

Warm greetings to you from the 4 countries I’ve lived in - India, Norway, Singapore & now Malaysia. 

This is me…I’m Natalie Fernandes Motha wife, mother, author, blogger and motivational speaker and inspirational influencer.


Happy to launch my 1st blog today; the day I became a mother. Happy birthday darling Meagan! You, along with your twin brothers make motherhood challenging yet cherishable, an emotion most of us mothers may find difficult to explain. 

What you can expect to see in upcoming blog posts :

  • Life journeys

  • Gratitude

  • Parenting

  • Inner Child healing

  • Relationships 

  • The importance of self-love

Expect a weekly sharing of a true-to-life experience as a mother/ woman. A blog/ video/social media post that will get you thinking! Perhaps have you saying - “If Natalie could do it, why can’t I?”.

 You could get a step closer to stepping out of your cozy zone, doing things you’ve wanted to do for the longest time but couldn’t gather the courage to do so. Basically encouraging you to follow your dreams.

You could choose to be inspired by my blog if…

  • You’re looking to explore the world beyond your comfort zone

  • You are a mother, planning on becoming one, about to become one or already a seasoned one (Like me!

  • You get inspired by others sharing their life experiences

  • You want to be positive & stay away from negativity and drama

  • You love yourself; love being a woman,

Blogging Goals -

In the months to come, you will be interacting with me as a more established blogger, seeing video updates of mothers sharing their inspirational stories. Guest bloggers, merchandise, live discussions, life coaching and much much more!

And before I sign out let me share with you an excerpt from my daughter’s writing; may it touch your heart as much as it touched mine. 

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A new step ahead; step off that fence.


A New Year : 2020