A new step ahead; step off that fence.


Have you ever had the feeling that you wanted to go? Have you ever had the feeling that you wanted to stay? Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to get off that fence you’ve been sitting on or have you ever had the feeling of wanting to stay right there? 

Well, I’ve had the feeling, many a time, but there is this one time that I’d like to share with you about: it was the day I decided to get off that one fence I was sitting on, the day my life changed forever.

Grab your coffee, let me share that story with you…..

Our first relocation as a family was to Oslo, Norway. Beautiful place, beautiful people and beautiful memories! 

Now a couple of months down the line, I did notice that things had settled in well, with most matters well under control; hubby all set at his workplace, children enjoying school, a well-decorated home. But I often asked myself, “ Have I settled in?”.

 I was sitting on that fence! 

A number of expatriate moms, who I’ve met on this  incredible journey, have been bold enough to share that, like me, they too have found themselves at some point or the other, ‘On the fence.’

It’s a feeling of you longing to go back into your comfort zone, wanting to be back in your own home, surrounded by your old friends and family or simply seeking your old schedule back again. Try and Imagine this if you can: You are sitting on a fence. One way you look, you see green pastures with a happy family surrounding you. Look the other way, you still see green pastures, but this time, it’s you standing alone!

Which side of the fence do I need to step off into? It was time for me to make that decision!

I gathered the courage and made that life-changing decision and here I am today, sharing this wonderful journey with you! 


Are you sitting on that same fence like I was a few years ago? Would you like to go ahead and make that life-changing decision? Well now is the time! 

Caution! Sitting on this fence could be rather painful, literally! Hold on, you could fall either side. But then, you can rise up and start all over again. But you must fall to rise again. 

Sitting on the fence is certainly a cloudy place to be. I say, be fair to yourself and think with a clear head. It will not be cloudy anymore. You will be able to get off that fence with ease and walk free.

Your decision is waiting to be made! 

I wish you the courage to take that decision, the wisdom & discernment to know when to take it but from my heart, I wish you the joy in experiencing it.  

Celebrate who you are today, celebrate you! Cheers🥂

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Easier said than done...


New beginnings