Fr. Reuben Tellis: Women Working For The Glory of God.

Hi and welcome to Natalie Inspires You. Hope you and your family are doing well and adjusting to our new, normal way of life.

Today, I feel blessed to showcase Fr. Reuben’s powerful sharing on Women of The Bible; women working for the glory of God.


“It is my wish and prayer that all of you, especially the women, are inspired to offer whatever you do for the Glory of God.” - Fr. Reuben Tellis

The theme for the month of July is one that is very special to me, something that I am very passionate and proud of. All through this month, there will be life sharings from women who are woking for the glory of God. 

I couldn’t think of anyone better than my spiritual mentor and friend - Fr. Reuben Tellis from Mumbai, India- to bless this segment with a powerful sharing on women of The Bible; women working for the glory of God.

Those of you from Mumbai will agree with me when I say that Fr. Reuben needs no introduction. His work in the Archdiocese of Bombay has, without a doubt, been commendable. For my other viewers, Fr. Reuben Tellis was ordained a priest 23 years ago. He is currently the parish priest at Mt Carmel Church, Bandra and the Dean of the Bandra deanery; he loves liturgy and we love his sermons! He animates groups and does it with a great amount of creativity. He is very musically inclined and is a part of the Band of Priests who are well known for their famous song - Sorpotel, Sorpotel. Do click the links at the end of the blog to view Fr. Reuben and the Band of Priests sing some amazing songs.

To my family, Fr. Reuben can easily be known as our family priest. He has blessed my marriage; baptised my twins; blessed our homes, around the world, virtually; but most importantly he is our go-to person for advice and guidance for most situations and we have never been disappointed with the same.

Today I’m sure you, my dear viewers, will not be disappointed with his sharing. Click below to watch him speak….

Thank you Fr. Reuben, you have officially blessed Natalie Inspires You by just being on it.

As we step into the month of July, let us remind ourselves that it brings with it a New Mindset, a New Focus, New intentions and New results.

Do remember to like, share & subscribe to my YouTube channel- Natalie Inspires You.

New inspiration lined up for you all through this month. Till then….

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Click to view Fr. Reuben and the Band of Priests singing:

Sorpotel Sorpotel

Que Sera Sera

Make amends

God is Good


Jessica Lai-Ong on using her creativity for the glory of God.


Online Education.