Online Education.

By Caroline Pinto

(Counsellor at Carmel of St. Joseph School, Mumbai, India) 

Online, as the word suggests, is the need of the hour- for every person and situation in this given crisis. The same is true for education; due to this pandemic every school needs to adapt and hence online education seems to be the way forward. 

There has been a lot of talk and messages flying around discussing the pros and cons of online education. I too have been reflecting on this from the perspective of students. Well, I initially had my reservations but realised that online education has to be handled based on age groups. 

Most people have opted for WFH (Working From Home) as companies have to continue ensuring the stability of the economy. Similarly, learning has to be continued even though it is virtual.

The following are some general suggestions for all parents and students. This will go a long way in adapting to the 'New Normal' way of learning: 


  • Set aside a specific place: Creating a specific, quiet, comfortable and dedicated space devoted to learning is of utmost importance. This space is sacred. It should not be the same as the playing area and eliminating distractions should be well thought out. 

  • Maintain School Timings and Structure: This is the next essential step; children need to get into the rhythm of the school system. Hence, wearing their uniform, packing their snack box, water, study material, stationery and ensuring they have all that they need will help. 

  • Safety of your Child and Home: While setting up the workstation ensure the work area  and background is clear and away from clutter. If using a laptop or cell phone, clean up the screen area to avoid leakage of confidential information, images and videos.

  • Program your kids for the School Routine: The routine of eating, sleeping and waking up should be adhered to. Parents too could work on the routine since children learn by example.

  • Prepare your child to be independent: Ensure that your child is attending Online Class just as the school regimen with full participation and focus. Also make sure you are in control of the pages he /she is visiting while surfing the internet. 

  • Making a daily timetable: A daily timetable needs to be set up in agreement with your child. Essentially, let the child decide on the time schedule as this is something she/he has to follow. Your role is to ensure a balance between school, learning, screen time, social networking, play, entertainment and the routines of everyday life.


This is a very crucial aspect of Online Learning.  Most children have been using their screens for gaming, watching shows, movies, music; YouTube and Google for information; searching the web for images, songs, videos; and the new craze of making Tik Tok videos. To add to this we now have Online Schooling.

Here are some tips for parents to handle Screen Time: 

• Monitor the child's screen time; online school hours should take precedence over entertainment screening.

• Have a healthy debate with your child and set up rules that are acceptable to both of you.

• Explain the harmful radiation effects and the need for using screen time purely for priority learning.

• Parents need to be role models in this area and follow the norms so children can identify and imitate them.

• The family as a whole needs to have a common consensus in this regard.


The attitude of parents towards education and the institution indirectly influences the child. The words of Bill Gates beautifully magnifies this thought ‘Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.’ 

Here are a few ground rules that, if adhered to,  could help create a positive virtual school atmosphere:

• Respect the School Management rules and decisions made by those in authority.

• Remember a teacher plays a pivotal role in Nation Building. Appreciate teachers for the tireless efforts they put in towards making the Teaching-Learning process conducive for the children.

• Avoid criticising the teacher or any staff member, especially in front of the child; follow protocol in handling your grievances.

• Parents should have a bigger picture of the school as an institution rather than just a classroom.

• The fees structure knitted by the institution is the sum total of the Infrastructure, Educational, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities among other things.

• Change in mindset is necessary for school teaching and external tutoring. Remember, it is the name of the school that adds credentials to your child's resume.

• The teacher-child bond adds value to the life of a child. Online Learning can never replace this precious relationship. After all, we live in a real-world and not a Virtual world.

 To conclude, let us remember the quote of Brian Herber -‘The capacity to learn is a gift: the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice’

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'Education must enlarge your heart more than your head'-Caroline Pinto

Caroline is currently attached to Carmel of St Joseph School, Malad, Mumbai, India as a full-time counsellor for almost a decade. She does practise privately too, providing counselling for individuals as well as for families. Caroline has done her M.A. in Counselling (Pune), B.A(Psychology, Mumbai University). A diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (KC College) and a diploma in Industrial & Human Relationship (NMIMS).

Thank you, Caroline, for that very helpful and honest sharing. Although this is not one of your favourite topics, I’m truly grateful to you for sharing your opinion and advice for parents who will benefit from the same. The timing too, couldn’t have been better since virtual schooling has just begun in Mumbai. Grateful to you for being a blessing to me and my family and may you continue to be a blessing to those around you.

What really struck me about Caroline is that Christian values are deeply rooted in her and she humbly relies on the Wisdom, Knowledge and Guidance of the Holy  Spirit in everything she does especially counselling.

Caroline and I, will be happy to answer a few questions with regards to behavioural patterns in children, handling teenagers, relationships,  family bonding and identity issues. Feel free to email me, send me a message or comment below with your questions and she will be happy to help you on my upcoming show - A cuppa with Caroline - coming soon on Natalie Inspires You. 

Till then….

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