“In Hope We Are Saved” by Fr. Terence Murray

Hi and welcome back to Natalie Inspires You.

Today, I feel blessed to share with you Fr.Terence Murray’s encouraging words on HOPE. Fr. Terence is currently the priest in charge of Christ the King Church, Borivali East, Mumbai, India. He has been a spiritual guide to both, my mum and I.

“In Hope We Are Saved”- Fr. Terence Murray

The world was taken aback at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions lost their lives, many isolated from their loved ones, as well as not being there for the last moments of their family member’s or friend’s lives. Then there was an economic slowdown that resulted in loss of jobs, salary cuts and inflation. The rural poor who flood our cities and suburbs had to return to their villages walking miles without food or drink.

In the midst of all this chaos and confusion while some gave into despair, anxiety and depression others anchored their lives in HOPE; hoping that this pandemic would come to an end and life would resume back to normal.

We were introduced to a New Normal; where we have to wear a mask, wash our hands regularly and maintain a social distance to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. No one was prepared for this infectious disease spreading like wild fire and taking lives.

There were questions by those who believe in a God who is loving and caring; how could He allow all this to happen? Could He not prevent it? These are fundamental and reasonable questions and yet we have neither direct nor perfect answers.

As we scan and fine comb through the pages of The Bible, we find solace and comfort in God’s word. God is our HOPE and as St.Paul echoes this sentiment in his Letter to the Romans 8:24 “In Hope we are saved.”

HOPE then becomes for us our reference point when disaster strikes us and a reflection point to keep moving on in life no matter how tough the going gets.

The Bible states that HOPE is the confident expectation of what God has promised and, it’s strength, lies in His faithfulness.

May our faith in God help us to expect the best from the worst and make us strong to be faithful in the midst of a pandemic like COVID-19.

May the God of hope rule and reign supreme in our lives now and forever.

𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞 𝕴𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖉!

Anchored in Faith Hope & Love, Natalie Inspires You.


Mama, I choose to celebrate your life.


Who gives You Hope?