Love is forever

Hello and welcome back to the last blog on the series of Love; just like this a month has breezed past!

“ Love is to give your all, including your life if need be” - Naozer Nariman, Mumbai, India

Love, in most circumstances, is synonymous with sacrifice. Rightly put by one of my faithful friends back in Mumbai- Naozer, whom I fondly call ‘Bawa’.

Love is giving your all to make things happen; be it the role of a wife, mother, daughter, sister, an in- law or even a friend. Sacrificing matters for the benefit of oneself is one of the most discussed topics today along with where to draw the line when it comes to sacrificing for love. Now you are the only one who would know the answer to that million dollar question.

My answer to this prized question came to me through various experiences in my adult life: “Natalie you can be pushed to the wall if, and only if, you allow them to do so”, was such great advice given to me by my friend & mentor - Fr. Reuben Tellis, Mumbai, India. The moment I chose to disallow someone to push me to that wall, take me for granted or not appreciate my goodness, was the moment I got my answer. I then knew where to draw the line. I didn’t feel guilty anymore, I chose to love myself.

If you haven’t found your answer to the same question, spend some time this coming week, soul searching. When you know when & where to draw that line, you will be set free!

"Love is... recognising God's presence in the other and respecting that presence through selfless acts of goodness, love and mercy." - Fr. Reuben


To sum up this entire series on love I must share Lilian Yeo’s insight on love. “Love is forgiveness, gentleness, patience, kindness, peace-seeking, harmony and sacrificing”. She was one of the best neighbours I’ve had at Singapore. Miss our monthly fellowships Lilian, hope to catch up soon.

Thank you Naozer, Reuben & Lilian for your sharing on love. It was beautiful to blog on love all through this month, feeling blessed and grateful.

Till we connect again next month, love with your all and with all your love!

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I'm every woman, it's up to me!


Love is an expression