Melissa Gabriel on Christian Parenting

Women Working For The Glory Of God - Part 3

Hello and a very Happy Parents Day to all those celebrating!

Click on the link below and join Melissa and me as we celebrate parents day!

Meet Melissa Gabriel, she is married to Andrew with 3 lovely children: Samantha, Stephanie and Brandon. She lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and belongs to the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima. Melissa is the co- owner of a preschool and is passionate about working with children. She started serving The Lord at the young age of 15, in the children's ministry and continues till date to serve Him in other ministries such as the youth ministry as well as in the BEC ( Basic Ecclesial Communities ). Serving The Lord brings her great joy and in her free time she enjoys listening to praise and worship songs, motivational talks and watching family/Christian movies.

Melissa Gabriel on Christian Parenting….

The theme for the month of July on Natalie Inspires You, is one that is very special to me, something that I am very passionate and proud of. All through this month, there will be life sharings from women who are woking for the glory of God. I couldn’t think of anyone better than my spiritual mentor and friend - Fr. Reuben Tellis from Mumbai, India- to bless this segment with a powerful sharing on women of The Bible; women working for the glory of God. If you missed it, click on the link below…

Inspiration can move you from thinking negative to thinking positive. Choose to Inspire.

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My Lockdown Bonus


Brigitte Januarius- Proud To Serve The Lord.