My Word For 2023: Self Discipline.

Happy New Year 2023 and welcome back to Natalie Inspires You.

What are you looking out for in 2023? I’m certainly looking out for Self Discipline.

Self Discipline in simple words to me would be, “Encouraging myself to do what needs to be done especially when I don’t feel like doing it.”

Why pick a word? What good will it do in 2023?

I stumbled upon this interesting read that encouraged me to do so…check it out!

I was introduced to The Virtues Project at my kid’s school, by an incredible woman Ms. Sahana Fried. Grateful for all that she taught me; my family, about virtues. Now they explain Self Discipline as ‘Being your own leader.’ How cool is that!

I encourage you to visit to know what it is all about. In 2023 I’m gonna strive to be my own leader!

Is the puzzle fitting in? As to why I am encouraging myself and hopefully you, to choose a word for 2023?

While it may seem simple and doable, I’m overwhelmed just writing out this blog… don’t wanna even imagine how difficult it’s going to be, being my own leader.

But knowing me …I’ll give it my best shot.

To be my own leader, I would need to be physically & mentally fit… so a full stop, or perhaps a comma, to the festive meals that are still extending into the new year. Out goes the cakes and sweets and in come the veggies & salads! Yup we’re talking broccoli, brussels sprouts and green beans now. Definitely more sleep and a lot more prayer and meditation for a healthier mind and body. And this is just the start…I’ll blog along the way!

Hey, why don’t you hop on and join me on this journey? Become your own leader too?

Do give it some good thought, it’s very likely that how you start the new year could just about be a reflection of what is yet to come in the months to follow.

I chose Self Discipline as my word for 2023 and I’m all set to become my own leader…

What word would you like to choose……

Anchored in Faith, Hope & Love,

Natalie Inspires You.


When Life Gives Me Lemons, I Choose To Inspire.


My Mama’s Christmas.