My Mama’s Christmas.

Hi and welcome back to Natalie Inspires You.

When I was growing up, Christmas in my household was a double celebration because it is my mum’s birthday today: the 22nd of Dec.

To all of you who have lost a loved one, choose memories to light up the Christmas tree of your lives …

I have fond memories of my mum being house proud; someone who simply loved making our house a home with so many Christmas collectibles from all around the world that were carefully preserved and displayed all through the most wonderful time of the year; Christmas!

Oh the hustle and bustle till we all got ready for the midnight mass on Christmas Eve rushing to get the good seats at church, all bundled up with those heavy knitted sweaters to protect us from the cold! My kids for sure would go Ewww today, just looking at those woollen coats that we called them; most often scratchy and red in color.

Then came the excitement to get home and open Santa’s gifts and eat the Christmas sweets that were prepared over the past two weeks. Guava cheese, jujubes, kulkuls, milk cream, date rolls and milk toffee were the favorites! All carefully rationed out since half the town received the creatively decorated Christmas sweets plate, wrapped in a Christmas tissue, from ‘The Fernandes’.

Oh, what fun it was distributing them all on Christmas morning with instructions not to nibble a few along the way!

The D’souzas & Xaviers The Alphonsos, The Lozardos, The Monterios, The D’costas et Al were happy to welcome us and we were only too happy to be treated to sweets and more Christmas sweets! No one worried about diabetes then !!

Then rushing back home to a very extended Christmas lunch: Sorpotel, green mutton curry, roast chicken, Russian salad and how can I forget, the pulav had to be made of the longest grains of Basmati rice followed by chocolate custard and then the good ol’ blamanche!

Now if these are the memories we can live by … life is worth a few hundred Christmases!

But the greatest reminder we were given throughout this season was the reason; That is Jesus.

Jesus is the reason for the season and I am so glad we were constantly reminded because that is what kept us and still keeps us grounded.

My mummy’s birthday is synonymous with Christmas and although I drop a tear or two today … my heart is filled with joy and pride to be the daughter of a queen.

Happy Christmas from my joyful home to yours.

May you too choose to live by the memories that were meant to light up your lives.

Anchored in Faith, Hope & Love,

Natalie Inspires You.


Happy Birthday Dearest Mama. I know you are joyfully looking down on us.


My Word For 2023: Self Discipline.


Mama, I choose to celebrate your life.