Teachers, you are loved.

Hello & welcome back, 

Whilst we’re on lockdown, the whole world is talking about how indebted we should be to our teachers and how loved they are. It’s circulating on WhatsApp, posted all over Facebook, hash-tagged on Instagram and even tweeted on Twitter! 

For centuries it has been a known fact that teaching is one of the noblest professions, but it’s taken a lockdown for parents to experience the life of an educator; to know what it feels like to actually slip into the shoes of a teacher. 

Having come from a family of teachers, with my mum being one of the best English & RAVE (Religious And Values Education) teachers I’ve ever known…. to my siblings: Hilda, a specialist in handling preschoolers and Julia, who is ‘par excellence’ at her job at elementary school, I have grown to respect and admire this humble profession.

 During this pandemic, virtual school the world over has been challenging for our children as well as for us as parents. Let's remind ourselves that the lives of teachers have changed as much as ours. Their schedules have gone haywire all the same; they have been stepping out of their comfort zones and feeling as exhausted as us parents.

I would like to highlight that, in the midst of this pandemonium, our teachers are still working, planning, creating and caring for their own families as well as our children. 

Let’s give a shout out to them today, a special shout out for their patience and kindness.

I'm sure that there are teachers coming to your mind right now, send them a message, make that call, send them a virtual hug! Thank them for teaching you to live well; let them know how indebted you are to them, let them know that you know they care and that you care for them too.

 To all educators around the world remind yourselves every day, especially during this time of trial, that You are loved

Keep going, teachers; keep building lives; keep helping us mould our children for a better tomorrow! 


“ I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.”- Alexander The Great.


Till we meet next week, stay strong and stay connected! 

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Inspirations from my living room to yours.


Embrace Change.