Embrace Change.

Welcome back, happy to connect with you again. Hope you are safe, and indoors, as you read today’s blog.

It’s a well-known fact that change is the only constant, and what we are currently experiencing only confirms the same. Having moved 3 countries in 5 years, change was something I faced for a long time and if there was one thing I learnt, it was to embrace it. 

Accepting and embracing change has not only helped me to go through change gracefully, but to also come out of it victoriously.

Accepting it does not necessarily mean happiness; but by rejecting change, you could be battling with anxiety and uncontrollable stress factors. 

Allow change to be a constant in your life when you can’t do much about it and especially when it is not in your control. 

Accepting change also doesn’t mean that life is going to be like this forever. Hope and believe that it will only get better from here. 

Embrace change and remind yourself that this too shall pass. 

COVID-19 is a change that is definitely not here to stay, accept what’s going on right now; follow directives; take precautions; embrace this time of change and look forward with the hope of a better tomorrow.

For all my Christian readers…. Today, Good Friday, is an important day for us Christians. We are much of what we are because today happened. Change can be easily accepted by placing it, and all that comes with it, at The Foot Of The Cross; the grace and peace that follows thereafter is what keeps us going. 

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May we reflect on this change the world is going through today and place it all at the foot of the Cross trusting, and believing, that The Lord will see us through. 


Stay hopeful. Stay safe. Stay Sanitised.

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Teachers, you are loved.


Stay Connected.