Love is endless

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Hello & Happy Valentines Day to you & your loved ones.

“Love is endless and flows on like a river. It carries along whatever comes in its way, without complaining. So also, should we carry our burdens and move on.” - Drussila Fernandes, Mumbai, India

Let me relate this beautiful definition of love to that of mother & child; how endless is that love!

We may find ourselves content, joyful, at times complaining, perhaps exhausted with the burdens that we carry tirelessly, on a day to day basis, as mothers. But has it ever occurred to you how endlessly this river of love flows? Stop for a moment and listen to the sound of that river flow; calm & serene, energetically gushing, dashing against rocks, breaking up at times, running dry, somedays overflowing but surely giving life.

Today on Valentines day, ask yourself this question: Who/what is your source of strength that helps you to flow endlessly like a river on this incredible, unfathomable journey called motherhood? The answer to this question is what you should work towards investing more of your time and resources into. Then this river of motherhood will never run dry.

Lets see what Tanu Dsouza from Singapore, has to say about Love: “For me, love is all the little things you do for each other.” Do you plan to do that little something special for your loved ones today? Do it without expectations, do it because your heart wants you to do it, because it makes you happy and that is how Trupti Morone, Mumbai, India defines love, “Do something for the person you love without expecting something in return only because it gives YOU happiness. That way, it is not a forced gesture, it is what your heart wants you to do for the person you love. That according to me is true love.”

Summing up all these definitions of love in two simple words: Patience & selflessness!

“For me, personally, love is patient and selfless. It is something I remind myself of daily.” - Henrietta Charles, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Let me leave you with an instruction, something that comes naturally to us mothers! For this week reach out to that one person who may need that little extra ‘dose of love’ maybe someone at home, at work, at church, your neighbourhood, at school; reach out to them with a kind word or deed. That is ‘Love’ to me!

Thank you Tr. Drussila, Tanu, Trupti & Etta for sharing your insights on Love.


Sending all my readers loads of love this week, do share it with others on this special day dedicated to LOVE!

Till we connect next week…

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Love is an expression


This great emotion called ‘Love’