This great emotion called ‘Love’

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Hello & welcome back.

For the longest time that I can remember, as a teenager, the month of February mostly brought on joy, excitement & fun💕.

Running off to ‘Archies & Hallmark’, the two very famous card shops of my time, to get the latest Valentine’s day cards; making heart shaped chocolates & cookies, sending & receiving roses, dressing in red; celebrating rose day at college, waiting for the postman to drop off some mail and oh yes, how can one forget butterflies in the stomach!

Hopefully this has already managed to bring back some good old memories for you, if not then brace yourself; this entire month of February, I’m going to blog on LOVE!

I did reach out to a few and asked them to define ‘Love’ in their own words, such beautiful expressions poured in; such different angles to one of the greatest emotions, in my opinion: LOVE.

I can’t help but start with my hubby, so how would you define Love? I asked Glen. “Love is putting up with all my s**t and doing it everyday with a smile” . Would you like to rephrase that? I asked, since I’m gonna quote you in my next blog. “No” says he, “Coz that’s what love is to me” and yes, him putting up with my s**t too is a form of love for me.

This leads me to quote Gretchen Fernandes, Mumbai, India “LOVE is a dual emotion to me, positive and negative. Yes negative too. However the power to transform 'LOVE' to only a positive emotion lies with ME!”

This set me on a tangent, got me thinking; many of us ‘put up’ with our partners and our partners with us without realising that this great emotion of Love is causing us to choose to change a negative situation into a positive one. Positive enough to look beyond, to lead us to that finish line and finally on to our victory stand.

Thank you Glen & Gretchen for such great insights on Love.

Sending all my readers Love & Light this week to help you to ‘put up’ with your loved ones by choosing to change that negative situation into a positive one with Love.

Feel free to comment below with your definition of Love 💕

Till we connect next week…

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Love is endless


Easier said than done...