Easier said than done...


Hello & welcome back.

I agree it’s easier said than done to take that first step ahead, it does require courage! 

But then again, we’ve all walked this path various times in our lives; some of which we do remember and some we don’t. Like taking that first jump into the pool or telling someone you love them. Sitting for that big exam or perhaps the birth of a child. If we’ve survived that, there’s no doubt we’ll survive this one too. 

“So how did you take this bold step of publishing books and now blogging?”  Is what I have often been asked. 

Hmmm...I would say the process actually began at least a year before where I started working on the way I thought about myself, practising affirmations and gratitude.

To put it in a nutshell and to keep up to my word that my blogs would be a 3-5 mins read…. Here are a few things that I did and still am, something that helps to keep the positivity in me going which ultimately leads to me persevering my dreams.

1) T - Tell yourself you how much you love yourself. 

A simple image-building exercise where you look into the mirror & remind yourself-  Say it aloud “( your name) I love you, I really really love you.” It may feel odd at first but once you get used to it, you will see a change in your confidence & that ‘fear of failure’ will slowly take a back seat. 

2) A- Affirmations 

Affirmations are noting but positive sentences that you can write yourself, about what you’d like to be or how you’d like a situation to be. By affirming them daily or as often as possible, your mind will soon begin to think and act in accordance to what you are saying. Write and say at least 3 affirmations a week till you get a hang of it. 

3) G - Gratitude

Gratitude is said to be the right attitude, closely linked with joy. Practising it daily can help you stir up the positivity in you and help you keep negativity at bay, which eventually strings along with good health and better relationships with the people around you. Begin your day by being grateful for 3 things. 

Now, none of the above will cost you anything but a little bit of your time. Believe me, if you do invest your thoughts into this kind of thinking, your returns could well be a step off that fence! 

“The ‘fence’ is an interesting place! .. sitting on the fence can also be the opportunity to rest..to take a breath..to see things in perspective while enjoying the view.. but not for too long.. because otherwise, it can be the comfort zone from where it becomes difficult to move on.. so don't get fenced in”

Fr. Reuben Tellis, Mumbai, India.

Do TAG yourself for the coming week. Tag yourself on a path that will help you create a life you love. Well, if it is helping me, it could possibly help some of you too! 

Until we connect next week..

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This great emotion called ‘Love’


A new step ahead; step off that fence.